My Rock Tumbling Journey – the Beginning

I believe setting an intention for your life is a very powerful thing to do. Back in May 2023, while visiting Iona Island, Scotland, I set an intention for which to frame my life: Treasure Hunter. It’s incredible how once the context is set with a very powerful feeling behind it, amazing things start to happen in line with that declaration.

Iona is a very magical place – it knew just what I needed. Everything was provided for my new Treasure Hunter context. It was very exciting!

Iona Beach Pebbles

The trip inspired me to take on a new hobby: rock tumbling/polishing! I had a rock tumbler as a kid but my parents shut it off after a few weeks due to the noise. That’s all I really remember about it, but my love for geology and rocks never left me. That was about 50 years ago! It’s about time I get myself a rock tumbler and pick up where I left off! I found some great rocks on Iona. There’s a very beautiful marble there that contains serpentine. This was the inspiration for me to start out rock tumbling!

I purchased a rock tumbler, some grit and supplies and have started on my journey!

My energy is hugely lighter! I am getting up earlier and looking forward to my day. Some days I go down to the river next to me and hunt for rocks. Sometimes a dull rock can hold amazing beauty! I’ve started a few batches of rocks in my tumbler and excited for the outcomes! Sometimes a batch from start to finished polish can take 2 -3 months. There’s so much to learn too, so I study in the meantime. It’s more like an art since there are so many variables. It’s really exciting!

My Favorite Iona Cove

My journey will continue on as my story unfolds! I am very grateful I have given myself this amazing gift! I am enjoying my new self and context for my life. I’ll share some photos as and when the first batch of rock polishing is complete!

Polished Iona Marble and Stones – Enjoy!

For more information on setting a context for your life, please visit my other website: The Path to My Heart

Published by The Path to My Heart

My path of life experiences has now led me to you, my reader. If you are just awakening into understanding we are more than what appears on the surface, and questioning what we are told is our reality – than this site is for you!! I’ve shared my learning here in hopes that it will make your path smoother!

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